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You are viewing Cheat Codes for Midtown Madness [GameTips] System : PC - Windows Date Added : 2005-01-26 03:05:27 Views : 23574 -------- GameTips -------- Tip: ---- If you're finding traffic hard to navigate, get off the road and onto the sidewalk. Most of the vehicles can drive quite nicely on the sidewalks between the guardrails and the lampposts, and you'll find a clear path (this works very well out on Navy Pier). Also, don't worry about crashing into those massive checkpoint posts on the sidewalk--they're invisible (collision-wise) to your vehicle. Tip: ---- If you get into a bump-and-grind situation with an AI car, you'll find yourself losing most of the tussles, even if you have the bigger vehicle. The best tactic is to quickly sideswipe the car, and then swerve away. If you time it right, you can bump the car into oncoming traffic or a building. Tip: ---- The AI-controlled drivers always stay on the road, which means that you'll have great opportunities to cut a few corners here and there (remember, Chicago has plenty of parks!). When you're off-road driving, slow down a bit and try not to make any turns. If you try anything wild on the soft grass, you'll probably spin out and lose any advantage you might have gained. Tip: ---- To win a race, especially a Checkpoint race, you need to know the course. Take on the course in one of the heavier vehicles with no cops and limited traffic, and you'll maximize your chances of making it through the course and learning all of the possible shortcuts. You won't win, but you'll gain vital knowledge that will help you when you go back into the race with a performance vehicle and full obstacles in place. Tip: ---- Vehicle damage is your enemy! There are so many things to hit during the course of the race that you'll often find yourself with a wheelless, smoking hulk of a car before you can finish the race. Try to save your damage points for when you really need them (such as making that jump across Navy Pier) and avoid hitting too many lampposts. Not enough codes for you? Search for more cheats at cheat codes club. Or simply Click here to find more Midtown Madness [GameTips] cheat codes.
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